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The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) is Native American owned and operated non-profit dedicated to enhancing and strengthening tribal sovereignty and justice while honoring community values, protecting rights, and promoting well-being. TLPI hosts many projects with the goal of implementing our mission, one of them being the Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Project, which provides Tribal Healing to Wellness Court training and technical assistance by hosting onsite and offsite trainings with tribes, regional and national trainings, a publication series, and a webinar series.

The Healing to Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training is our annual national training that has been held since 2011 and offers Indian Country treatment court and other problem-solving courts best practices within the perspective of indigenous justice, healing, and culture. The conference regularly hosts 400+ tribal court, law enforcement, behavioral health, treatment, and child welfare practitioners. This year is a particularly special year as we are celebrating 25 years of healing to wellness courts! 

This conference is always free. We take every effort to ensure tribes receive the highest quality of trainers, resources, and materials. We are seeking sponsors who would like to support this year’s celebratory conference. In acknowledgement of sponsorships of the 2024 Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training, sponsoring organizations will be recognized to a wide cross-section of over 400 tribal service providers, executives, and leadership. Your sponsorship will directly support conference expenses and benefit attendees during this dynamic event.

Our monetary sponsorship levels are listed below:

Wellness Court Pearl Sponsor: $5,000
The Wellness Court Pearl Sponsorship will assist in funding snacks, such as breakfast items and afternoon snacks. With this level of sponsorship, we will provide signage at the registration, coffee, and beverage/snack area; advertise your tribe or organization in our program pamphlets and our Healing to Wellness Courts website; honor/recognize you during the conference at our opening and closing sessions; and display large event signage prominently located throughout the conference.

Wellness Court Turquoise Sponsor: $2,500
The Wellness Court Turquoise Sponsorship will assist in funding coffee and tea refills throughout the event, providing coffee and tea in the afternoon. With this level of sponsorship, we will provide signage at the registration and beverage/snack area, advertise your tribe or organization in our program pamphlets and our Healing to Wellness Courts website, and honor/recognize you during the conference at our opening and closing sessions.

Wellness Court Blue Corn Sponsor: $1,000
The Wellness Court Blue Corn Sponsorship will assist with coffee and tea throughout the event, providing daily coffee in the morning. With this level of sponsorship, we will provide signage at the registration and coffee areas, as well advertise your tribe or organization in our program pamphlets and our Healing to Wellness Courts website.

Wellness Courts Red Corn Sponsor: $500 or lower 
The Wellness Court Red Corn Sponsorship will assist with incentives throughout the event, including raffle prizes and gift bags. With this level of sponsorship, we will advertise your tribe or organization in our program pamphlets. 

In addition to monetary donations, we are seeking item donations for our daily raffle. Donations may include jewelry, art, blankets, gift cards, and other small gift items. Our raffle will encourage participation from our attendees, which will in turn, make the conference more beneficial. With this level of sponsorship, we will honor/recognize your during the raffle.

We thank you for your consideration to directly support the 2024 Wellness Court Implementation and Enhancement Training for the benefit of all Tribal Healing to Wellness Court programs and practitioners!

Please email if you are interested or need additional information.

This web site is funded in part through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this web Site (including without limitation, it’s content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided.)

The Implementation and Enhancement Training is offered as part of the Healing to Wellness Courts Training and Technical Assistance project -- A project delivered by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Visit for more information about the project. Visit for more information about TLPI's many projects, services, and free publications.

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